Viviana SutedjoInterning at Google — the whole storyPart 1 — Getting the internshipDec 16, 2019Dec 16, 2019
Viviana Sutedjo“You only got it because you’re a girl” — Being a female Software Engineerand why this makes a lot of things easer and harder at the same timeJan 5, 2020Jan 5, 2020
Viviana SutedjoYoung, female tech team leader — a verdictI’ve had the privilege of being trusted enough to be team leader from early on in my school years — despite often being the youngest, and…Apr 2, 2021Apr 2, 2021
Viviana SutedjoWhat is it like to be (stu)dying in med school and computer science ?Could I have chosen two more opposite programs? Hardly. I got asked a lot how these two compare. This is the first year recap of what it…Oct 4, 20221Oct 4, 20221
Viviana SutedjoHow can I level up my Flutter game?Recently, someone reached out to me, asking for tips on becoming a next-level Flutter developer. Here are some pointers for a level-up that…Jan 9, 2023Jan 9, 2023